
Endurance Testing

What is meant by the term Endurance Testing?

It simply means testing of the enduring capability of the software product. "Endurance Testing" is done to examine the software's competency to perform consistently and accurately, over a longer period of time, along with the continuous increment in a load.

Also known by the name of soak testing, endurance testing is a type of non-functional testing that seeks to assess the efficiency and behaviour of the software under constantly increasing load, for a long duration. This type of testing guarantees the flexibility of the software product to function, continuously, without any deviation in performance, over an extended period.

endurance Testing Infographics

Characteristics of Endurance Testing:

  • Its a type of non-functional, as well as performance testing.
  • Endurance Testing is carried out by applying huge load but with a fixed pattern for the continuous period.
  • It is responsible for software sustainability under gradually increasing and unexpected load.
  • Reveals memory leak issue, which may results to crash or failure of the system/software.
  • Ensures the consistent working of the software for the longer operating hours.
  • Focuses on utilization of the memory.
  • Realizes the response time and throughput of the software under unexpected load.
  • Endurance testing helps in gaining confidence in the software or system stability, before its release in the market.
  • Determines the durability and stability of the software product for the maximum time limit.
  • Endurance Testing is also called as "longevity testing".
  • Endurance is the last testing performed, under the umbrella of performance testing.

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