
What is Baseline Testing?

Testing is an important aspect in the field of engineering. It is a unique way of carrying out a program or a software application that aims to find out a software bug. Software bugs are to be removed at any stage and it is only possible when the software is tested against bugs. In the world of engineering, software cannot be ready to go live without testing. To support this statement a lot of have test are conducted; one such test that is being talked in this article is "Baseline Testing". This type of test forms to create a base for many other performance tests.

What is Baseline Testing in Performance Testing?

Baseline Testing is a non-functional type of testing technique that is known to be a crucial part of performance test methodology. In this type of test, only the validation of important documents and specifications taken place decides the basis of designing of test cases. Generally, it is seen that most of the performance problems can be identified and calculated by proper baseline tests are conducted. The implementation of baseline testing is one of the best methods for improving performance of any software which really excites me.

A test engineer performs or executes a test in order to create a comparison with the performances of a newly created server. A pilot test is conducted on a type of a server that is mostly never acknowledged to one of a standard reference that exists in measurements or software.

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Advantages of Baseline Testing :

  1. It helps in creating a line that creates a base for any construction types such as measurements, comparisons and calculations.
  2. Using this type of testing, many problems related to software are easily solved. The process of resolving critical issues begins from the scratch.
  3. This type of software testing saves a lot of time as compared to other types of performance testing software's that takes more time to conduct test cycles.
  4. Being able to sort complex processes, it is commonly known as troubleshooter for all problems.
  5. Concerning the quality characteristics of the specific functions, the test focuses on the quality.
  6. The tests in model-based testing allow automation and this factor add effectiveness to the testing method. Thus, if a model is machine readable with a precise behavioral description then test cases can be derived according to algorithms as specified below:

Baseline Testing Infographics

baseline testing infographics

Importance of Baseline Testing

Baseline testing is also known as Benchmark Testing. It is so because it analyses the benchmarks of performance in relation to the performance of an application. The newly created or updated application is expected to reach a certain level.

If by any chance the application doesn't reach to a certain level set for it; the application is meant to be broken or has gaps in it. With a recognized standard of base, a comparison is done for a new application and or an unidentified application.

The software builds are made to run a test in order to throw a comparison between the products. This is all done to sort the problems faced by the softwares. On passing through the baseline testing, software is expected to run as per the laid requirements and specifications.

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