
Mobile Testing Tools

Testing has become very important. There are a good number of great open source mobile testing frameworks that should be considered while devising a mobile testing technology. All have various methods to handle mobile testing. So below we have listed the top 5 testing frameworks for user's daily Android creation and corrections. Obviously, each of them has their own pros and cons and we have discussed that all about them a following:


Undoubtedly, Robotium used to be the most widely preferred Android testing framework/ tool in previous days of Android world. It is a very much similar to Selenium in Android that made mobile testing API simpler. Robotium basically is an open source library that extends the JUnit with a huge amount of useful methods of android testing.


Although Robotium is a simple yet amazing framework, Uiautomator works in an entirely different manner. It allows you to do much more in mobile testing i.e. Android apps and games specifically. A basic advantage of Uiautomator is that it can run JUnit test situation with different priorities. It can also provide five diverse classes for the developers to use, consisting of electors just like time of birth. It works only on Android devices that functions with API level version 16 or even higher.


Espresso is the most recent Android test automation tool that has an open-sourced by Google. It has a dignified API which is little, predictable and easy to learn and is found to on top of the Android instrumentation framework. Users can also write concise, quick and dependable for Android UI tests using this framework.

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Calabash is basically a cross-platform test automation tool for the Android and iOS native and hybrid web applications. Calabash derives syntax in an easier way that enables even non- technical users to make and execute the automated acceptance tests of applications on both of the mobile operating platforms. Calabash's tests are generally defined in Cucumber and afterwards that can be changed into Robotium or Frank in the run time as desired. It can support around 80 diverse natural language and Controllers (commands). If anybody wishes to add new commands they can do it in Ruby or Java.


Appium is basically a mobile test automation framework and tool for the web, native, hybrid applications such as iOS and Android. It takes help from JSON Wire Protocol inside to connect with iOS and Android apps. It does it by using the Selenium's Web Driver. This framework also supports Android with the help of Uiautomator and Selendroid, iOS through UI Automation.

One of the most wonderful pros of Appium tool is that one can write his/ her own Appium scripts in any programming language be it Java, C, C+, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, Python and many others. It provides you freedom from making attempts to choose tools.

It is compatible with the most essential platforms i.e. Android and iOS. This framework relieves you from getting unwanted installations and configurations of devices that are required only for testing purposes.

For the users who are familiar with Selenium, they can smoothly conduct mobile application testing. This is so because selenium uses the same web driver. However, configuration of a mobile application by running it on Appium is similar as compared to Selenium.

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