The subset of Agile Software Development process, Scrum is a framework for project management that emphasizes teamwork, accountability and iterative progress towards a well-defined goal. It is a lightweight process framework of agile development and is widely used by most software developers. As creating a software is a complex process, Scrum helps in executing complicated tasks and enables the team members to focus on all the aspects of the software, such as its quality, performance, usability, and more. It uses indicators that allow the testers to question the functionality as well as the quality of the software. These indicators are called “Scrum Smells” by those who use Scrum for agile development.
It is through proper sniffing of these indicators/scrum smells that a tester finds the defects in the system, which are than evaluated through Scrum Sniff Test and presented to the testers. To get a better understanding of Scrum and Scrum Sniff Test, here is a detailed analysis of the same.
Scrum framework was first introduced in software development in 1986. It is a part of agile methodology and is distinguished from other agile processes by specific concepts and practises. Divided into three categories– role, artefacts and time boxes –Scrum takes care of complex and critical software and product development. Scrum tracks the progress of the software and makes necessary changes. It ensures that product is of the best quality and provides results that are as per the requirement of the client. Transparency, inspection and adaptation are the three pillars of Scrum which make it a reliable testing technique. Moreover, Scrum has three major roles that are:
Scrum Sniff Test is the process of finding defects and errors during the process of agile software development. It uses indicators like Scrum Smell, which informs the team of developers about all the discrepancies found during the development process. From bugs to technical debts, scrum sniff test keeps a track of all the elements related to the software and tackles them exceptionally. Following are the various defects managed and detected through Scrum Sniff Test:
As stated before, Scrum is a subdivision of Agile Methodologies, which encourages practitioners to work with the available data and information. Moreover, it repeatedly evaluates the features and functionality of the system and continuously tracks its working process. With the implementation of this procedure, the testers are able to check which features of the system are working and which are not. Communication is the most important element of this process, which is carried out through meetings that are known as Events.
The process of Scrum in agile development is further divided into four categories, which are:
Scrum is mostly used by developers and testers to manage complex software and project development, using iterative and incremental practices. It is a process that significantly increases productivity and reduces time, which further benefits the organizations using it. Scrum processes enable organizations to adjust smoothly to rapidly-changing requirements, and produce a product that meets evolving business goals. Hence, there are several advantages of using Scrum for the process of software testing.
Built on the pillars of transparency, inspection and adaptation, Scrum is the best Agile Methodology. It helps developers to create products that are thoroughly tested and are of highest quality, which further benefits the organizations they are created for. Moreover, this process is quick and effortless, and provides expected results. With the assistance of Scrum Sniff Test one can sniff all the errors in the software and deal with them appropriately. The biggest advantage of using Scrum is that, it can easily deal with complex software and product development and ensure that its quality, performance, and usability are the best. Hence, all these factors and benefits makes Scrum popular among software developers all around the world.