
Static Testing Tools

Static testing is a form of software testing which is performed in a static environment i.e., verification of a software product for flaws without execution of the main code. In order to facilitate this task in a quicker manner, across different working languages, we give you a list of some of the most commonly used tools for static testing with a brief description of their specialities.

Sl.No. Tools Specialities
1. RIPS This tool is useful for PHP based platforms and detects sinks and guards against SQL injection and cross site scripting.


  • The tool delivers quick results.


  • The tool has become obsolete and has not been followed with an upgrade.
2. YASCA (Yet Another Source Code Analyser) This is a useful tool to check for security bugs in C++ & Java based products.


  • Pretty wide coverage.
  • Can be easily integrated with other static testing tools.


  • Doesn't cover all the critical issues plaguing the product.
3. YASCA (Yet Another Source Code Analyser) This tool helps in detection of errors or flaws in JAVA applications.


  • The software product's logic is tested without the need for compilation of code.


  • It's useful for a limited range of platforms such as Eclipse IDE.
4. Visual Code Grepper This code security tool works admirably well with products based on PHP,C++, Java and Visual basic to detect issues related with the code by speedily scanning and describing them in detail.


  • Tells how vulnerable the security levels of the product are.
  • Helps in checking violations pertaining to Open web application security project recommendations.


  • Doesn't facilitate complete automation.
5. DevBug Another tool useful for PHP platforms, this tool was originally written in JavaScript.


  • Simple to use.
  • Delivers fast results.


  • Not suitable for heavy duty or complex software applications.
6. Flawfinder Flawfinder is a useful tool for sorting out security issues in C language based applications depending on the risk level. This tool is written in Python and utilises a command line interface.


  • The tool is CWE compatible.
  • Accuracy of results.
  • Possesses feature for checking code centric changes.


  • Requires the use of Python 1.5.
7. Brakeman This tool is for detecting security vulnerabilities in ROR (Ruby on rails) platform at any stage of product development.


  • Easy set up.
  • Fast results.
  • The test cases used for code analysis can be customised for targeting specific areas.


  • The tool can raise false alarms showing positive test results for faults which are not genuine.
8. CPPCheck Another tool based on C/C++ platform, this test is used for checking non standard codes which fail to be detected by a compiler.


  • The tool can be easily integrated with other IDEs such as eclipse and Visual studio.
  • Available in many international languages besides English such as Dutch, German, Russian, etc.


  • Not easy to customize.
  • Takes too long to deliver results.

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