
Test Basis in Software Testing

Test Basis
Software Testing is a very important part of software development. In fact, its importance can be judged from the mere fact that every software developer undertakes rigorous testing in order to confirm a successful run for their product. Now that we know testing is essential it is necessary to understand how the test cases are based or built. In order to do that, we first need to know about Test Basis. This article will help you gather an insight into the need for Test Basis.

What Is Test Basis?

In layman terms, a Test Basis may be described as that source of information which is required to write and develop test cases. Test Basis can also be defined as that data which is needed in order to start the analysis of the test. Usually, it will contain information like the business requirement, test plan, code specifications, interfaces etc. Hence, one can conclude that all relevant information that goes into the planning of test cases and its analysis is known as Test Basis.

Need For Test Basis

Test Basis provides the basic framework to understand and acknowledge all those areas in a program that can be tested to confirm their adherence to client requirements. It tells the tester what the system should do once it is completely built. As such, test cases can be built appropriately and their analysis can be done accordingly.

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Test Basis In Software Testing

When it comes to software testing, the Test Basis can be:

  • Experience or User Knowledge – Many times all facts related to a product are not documented. This could either be due to human error or oversight. In such cases, the Test Basis is the experience or knowledge of the tester. Things that were earlier not thought as being a part of test conditions also get coverage under user experience. In fact, when it comes to developing different versions of the same software such experience can do untold benefit.
  • Business Requirement of Final Product – In case, the software being developed is completely new and one of a kind, then it is the business requirement, risk associated and client expectations that form a part of the Test Basis. When such is the scene, the test conditions are fixed and hence there is no room for unpleasant surprises. The only thing that requires special attention in such cases is that all possible test conditions should be correctly identified to make optimum use of Test Basis.


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Often, inexperienced software developers and testers overlook the importance of Test Basis. This mostly happens due to tight deadlines and even tighter budgets. Whatever be the case, the Test Basis is the most important source of information as it directs and guides all test cases and testers alike. Not only that but the Test Basis aids in proper and accurate test analysis. So, the source of all data, i.e., the Test Basis should be exhaustively studied so as to identify all possible test conditions and combinations for developing effective and efficient test cases.

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