While developing a new software product, the team of developers adopt numerous ways to create a product that has impeccable quality and that meets the requirements of users incredibly. Creating a prototype and testing it is one such method, which helps software developers and testers immensely. To signify its importance during software testing life cycle (STLC), let us discuss prototype and prototype testing in detail.
As defined by Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, a prototype is "an original model on which something is patterned" or a first full scale and usually functional form of a new type or design of a construction" that is generated in every field to assess the quality and effectiveness of the product. It is a sample or a model of a product that is produced to assess the concept or a process from the perspective of the end user/customer. Prototypes help create a product that fulfils all requirements and is appropriate in its specifications and functionality.
In order to develop a quality product for their clients, software tester’s around the world use an effective testing technique - Prototype Testing -to tests and analyse its quality, features, and other important components. As software development is distinctly dependent on the specifications and requirements specified by the client, it becomes vital for them to cross check their inculcation in the software and to ensure their effectiveness.
By implementing prototype testing before the release of the software the team can determine the quality of the software and can get an accurate reaction to it that can be further helpful in rectifying issues and deviances in the software.
To put it briefly, the process of prototype testing assists the team of testers in testing the quality, design, and other important components of the software, while making sure that it has been developed according to the requirements of the client, specified by them before the commencement of the whole project.
When a software is developed for the first time, the involved development and testing teams search for various ways to detect any fault in its design, code, or any other component. At this stage, prototype testing helps them exceedingly, as it aids them in identifying the usability of the software as well as helps them find any loopholes present in its structure before it is released in the market for the customers. Other important features of prototype testing are:
While understanding the relevance of prototype testing in Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC), it is crucial for us to comprehend the steps for effectuating its process. Therefore, following are the steps for prototype testing:
Prototype testing can be a huge asset in testing the features of the software product before it is released and made available for the use of end users. By implementing prototype testing, the team of testers can the study the software, application, or a process and make necessary changes. Reasons that make prototype testing valuable are:
No matter the effectiveness of a process, there are always some limitations that are associated with it that are needed to be acknowledged for accurately understanding the entire testing process. Hence, few of the limitations of prototype testing are mentioned below for your reference:
From the above discussion, we can easily conclude that prototype testing is a type of software testing technique, wherein the team works together with some end users to ensure the quality, functionality, as well as the effectiveness of the product before its release. It ensures that the product meets all the specified requirements and validates the accuracy of the product’s design, structure, features, quality, effectiveness, and more. Hence, it is a must perform testing activity before the implementation or go live of the project.